Marat Mychaels, the man behind the Pooh, comes to GSCF June 22-23rd 2024!

Marat Mychaels, the man behind the Pooh to GSCF June 22-23rd!

MARAT has had a long and successful career in the comic book industry. He started out as Image Comics first rookie working on the highly successful Extreme Studios Brigade series. Marat has worked for most major publishers including Marvel Comics on titles such as Deadpool Corps an X-Force: Shatterstar and has been the artist for a number of DC Comics including Hawk and Dove and Grifter.

Marat resides in Las Vegas where he runs his independent publishing comapny Counterpoint Comics with its line of succesful books including ultra popular Do You Pooh series books as well as Hardlee Thinn, Notti & Nyce, Prey for the Sinner and freelances as a cover artist.

Special thanks to Komic Knights for putting this all together for GSCF!


Bud LaRosa GSCF June 22-23rd 2024 in his first con appearance in over 20 years!!


Sean Forney is coming to GSCF June 22-23rd!