Anti-Harassment Policy

Garden State Comic Fest has a ZERO TOLERANCE POLICY for harassment of any kind, including but not limited to:

  • Stalking

  • Offensive Verbal Comments

  • Harassing Or Non-Consensual Photography Or Recording

  • Bathroom Policing

  • Intimidation

  • Physical Assault And/Or Battery

  • Sustained Disruption Of Panels, Signings, And Other Events

  • Hate Symbols

If a person engages in harassing behavior, GSCF Staff will take prompt action in any form they deem appropriate, including expulsion from GSCF with no refund. Our policy applies to EVERYONE at the convention. Exhibitors, fans (attendees), speakers, guests, professionals, press, staff, crew, and security are all subject to our Anti-Harassment Policy.

We have issued lifetime bans in the past. So in fairness DO NOT BE CREEPY!

Anyone can report harassment. If someone’s behavior has made you uncomfortable, or if you witness the same happening to someone else, you should immediately contact GSCF Staff and Crew, Security Team, or Police on site.

If necessary, we will contact local law enforcement, and will assist those experiencing harassment in any way possible.

Keep your hands to yourself. If you would like to take a picture with or of another GSCF fan, always ask first and respect that person's right to say no. When at GSCF, be respectful, be nice, be cool and be kind to each other. Or don’t come.

GSCF’s mission is to create a fun, safe, welcoming, awesome event where fans of all kinds can come together and celebrate. We want you to not only have the most amazing weekend ever and hopefully allow some of the day to day stress we all feel shed away. As fans ourselves, we understand the importance of creating an amazing event for everyone who attends GSCF.