The Real Life Peter Griffin is coming to GSCF June 24-25th!
Cosplay Guest Eric Bellomo Cosplay Guest Eric Bellomo

The Real Life Peter Griffin is coming to GSCF June 24-25th!

Robert Franzese is a cosplayer and aspiring voice actor better known as the Real Life Peter Griffin. Robert’s life changed forever when a mini documentary about him made by his friends went viral with over 17 million views! Now, Robert continues his passion of making people laugh by posting videos to his various social media accounts, in the hopes of one day becoming an animation voice actor.

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Toni Ann Gisondi & Rosanne Sorrentino are coming to GSCF June 24-25th
Guest Eric Bellomo Guest Eric Bellomo

Toni Ann Gisondi & Rosanne Sorrentino are coming to GSCF June 24-25th

GSCF is pleased to announce Toni Ann Gisondi & Rosanne Sorrentino are coming to Garden State Comic Fest June 24-25th

Toni and Rosanne both starred in the award winning film version of the musical Annie which is celebrating its 40th anniversary! Toni is best known for playing Molly the youngest orphan and Rosanne is best known for playing the role of the bossy orphan Pepper

We cannot wait for June to come!

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Emma Kubert is coming to GSCF: Morristown 23
Creator Eric Bellomo Creator Eric Bellomo

Emma Kubert is coming to GSCF: Morristown 23

Emma is a freelance comic book artist, writer, and teacher/alumni of the Kubert School. She has freelanced for various companies such as DC Entertainment, Marvel Comics, Dynamite Entertainment, 20th Century Fox, Image Comics, and Tapas Media. Emma has worked on various titles including DC Super Hero Girls, Teen Titans Go!, Batman: Audio Adventures, Women of Marvel: Squirrel Girl, and Red Sonja. Emma is currently writing, penciling, and coloring on-going series Inkblot,

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Gus Mauk is coming to GSCF June 24-25th!
Creator Eric Bellomo Creator Eric Bellomo

Gus Mauk is coming to GSCF June 24-25th!

Gus Mauk is coming to GSCF June 24-25th!

Gus started out as a portrait and charcoal artist and moved into comics as a cover artist. Currently working on covers for Image, IDW, and Blackbox Comics, such as Sweet Paprika, Department of Truth, GI Joe, and Nightmare Blog. Gus is also the Artist/ co-creator of Blackbox Comics' top selling title: Shi no Kage.

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Unclasboot Cosplay to GSCF Fest June 24-25th!
Cosplay Guest Eric Bellomo Cosplay Guest Eric Bellomo

Unclasboot Cosplay to GSCF Fest June 24-25th!

GSCF welcomes Unclasboot Cosplay to Garden State Comic Fest June 24-25th!

Emily aka Unclasboot grew up in HIllsborough, NJ and entered the cosplay and convention scene in 2011. In 2018, she joined the United States Navy where she did a tour in the MIddle East and South China Sea aboard the USS Abraham Lincoln. Cosplay has played an important role in her own mental health journey both during and after her service. Now after her service, she has made it her mission to empower Veterans through positive outlets and navigate the rough seas of mental health.

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Tom Raney is coming to GSCF June 24-25th!
Creator Eric Bellomo Creator Eric Bellomo

Tom Raney is coming to GSCF June 24-25th!

Tom Raney is coming to GSCF June 24-25th with thanks to Heroes Initiative!

Tom has drawn a lot of comics, mostly for Marvel and DC. From XMen to Batman, Stormwatch to Thor, lots more in and around those. Recently he’s drawing the Green Lantern, for DC!

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Joe Jusko is coming to GSCF June 24-25th!
Canceled Eric Bellomo Canceled Eric Bellomo

Joe Jusko is coming to GSCF June 24-25th!

Joe is undoubtedly one of the best known Fantasy, Pin-Up and Comic Artists in the world today. His career has spanned over 30 years, starting with the sale of his very first cover for Heavy Metal Magazine in 1977 at the age of 17. Since graduating that year from NYC's High School of Art & Design, Joe has worked for almost every major comic book publisher, producing hundreds of images for both covers and interiors.

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Bob Almond is coming to GSCF June 24-25th!
Creator Eric Bellomo Creator Eric Bellomo

Bob Almond is coming to GSCF June 24-25th!

Bob broke in at Marvel Comics in 1992 as a professional inker on Warlock & the Infinity Watch series which led to numerous projects at Marvel for the next decade straight like Guardians of the Galaxy, Star Trek: DS9 and later Annihilation: Conquest-Quasar and Heroes for Hire. Most significant was his 3 years of work as inker/storyteller with Priest and Sal Velluto on Marvel's Black Panther from 1999-2002.

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Hailey Skaza-Gagne and the Inkwells is coming to GSCF June 24-25th!
Guest Eric Bellomo Guest Eric Bellomo

Hailey Skaza-Gagne and the Inkwells is coming to GSCF June 24-25th!

Hailey met artist Bob Almond while still in high school and their friendship led to Hailey volunteering as a cosplayer for Bob’s non-profit Inkwell Awards, allowing her to experience her first ever comic book convention in 2014. She assisted the organization’s spokesmodel Ms. Inkwell at the time for a year before graduating to the prestigious position herself in 2015.

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Rudy Nebres is coming to GSCF Saturday Only June 24th!
Creator Eric Bellomo Creator Eric Bellomo

Rudy Nebres is coming to GSCF Saturday Only June 24th!

Rudy is a comic artist who has worked mostly as an inker in the American comic book industry. Known for his lush, detailed inklines, Nebres' most prolific period was in the late 1970s and the 1980s. Before coming to the United States, Nebres studied fine arts in the Philippines and worked in the Filipino comics industry for such publishers as Bulaklak Publishing, ACE Publications, and Graphic Arts Service.

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Buzz is coming to GSCF Morristown June 24-25th!
Creator Eric Bellomo Creator Eric Bellomo

Buzz is coming to GSCF Morristown June 24-25th!

Buzz is a veteran comic book artist of 36 years known for his work on JSA,VAMPIRELLA,ATOMIKA, , X-FACTOR,SHI and many more. Demands for Buzz's art has grown more recently with covers to many popular tiles.His variant covers to Vampirella, Red Sonja, Ninjak, Fight Girls, Power Rangers Shattered Grid comics,Usagi Yojimbo, Elvira, and the acclaimed Batman vs The Maxx were quickly sold out after their release.

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Amber Keep Art is back for GSCF Morristown 23!
Vendor Eric Bellomo Vendor Eric Bellomo

Amber Keep Art is back for GSCF Morristown 23!

The family artists of Amber Keep Art and Amber Gryphon Armory bring you taxidermy, artwork, and…and multimedia artwork that combines of all three. Shop for Dragon, dragon eggs, cosplay dioramas, and jewelry featuring real bones, skulls, horns, and teeth!

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Tom Mandrake is coming to GSCF June 24-25th!!
Creator Eric Bellomo Creator Eric Bellomo

Tom Mandrake is coming to GSCF June 24-25th!!

Tom has been illustrating comic books for over 35 years. His credits include The Spectre, The Martian Manhunter, Batman, Swamp Thing, To Hell You Ride, Weapon X, The New Mutants, The Hulk!, The Punisher, GrimJack, Sidekick, The X-Files to name a few.

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Chris Batista is coming to GSCFt June 24-25th!
Creator Eric Bellomo Creator Eric Bellomo

Chris Batista is coming to GSCFt June 24-25th!

Chris was born and raised in New York City. Growing up It was hard to find him without a pencil in his hand. All he drew was superheroes and devoured comic books. This eventually led to his attendance at Laguardia HS, were he studied the arts for 4 years instead of getting better at math and science. He then attended the School of Visual Arts were he studied illustration and animation. It was there that he studied under the LEGENDARY Klaus Janson, which quickly lead to a job with Marvel Comics and later DC Comics. The majority of his work is from DC, were he worked on titles such as Booster Gold, JLA, Legion of Superheroes, Hawkman, Aquaman and 52.

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