Keone Young will be at Morristown 24’
Keone has been a performer for over 50 years. Spanning the fields of films, tv, theater, animation, and video games. Well known for his role of Storm Shadow on the original GI Joe series. Also as Grandpa in Disney’s Jake Long and the American Dragon and Commander Sato in Star Wars Rebels. Recently Keone's voice can be heard in Samurai Rabbit: The Usagi Chronicles and Ultraman: Rising! He cut his teeth in comedy doing shows like Cheers, The Jeffersons, Different Strokes, Golden Girls, Mike & Molly, Will & Grace, Mom, as well as hundreds of other sit coms. In Drama series he has worked in NYPD Blue, Sons of Anarchy, True Blood, Deep Space 9, and the iconic character, Mr Wu, in HBO’s Deadwood. In films he has been seen in Men In Black 3, Dude Wheres My Car, Crank 1 & 2, The Brady Bunch Movie, Striptease, to mention a few. He is also known as Chen Stormstout the Panda in Blizzards Mists of Pandaria and Joe Hayabusa in Ninja Gaiden. As well as many other Video Games.
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