Nick Justus comes to GSCF: Great Adventure September 4-5th!!!

2021 GA Nick Justus.jpg

Nick attended VCU School of the Arts majoring in illustration, and is also a 2011 graduate of the prestigious Kubert School of Cartoon & Graphic Art. He’s drawn sketch cards of various properties for Upperdeck and Topps. This year will see the release of issues 10 through 15 of Anne Bonnie penciled and inked by Nick and published by Blue Juice Comics. Nick is also currently working on his self published crowdfunded superheroic sci-fi comic with writer Dave Potosnak, Serpent Handler.


Lloyd Briggery is coming to GSCF: Great Adventure Edition September 4-5th!


Anthony Marques is coming to GSCF: Great Adventure Edition September 4-5th!!