GSCF: Morristown Edition Canceled


It is with great sadness and heavy hearts we must announce that Garden State Comic Fest: Morristown Edition 2020 is to be canceled at the Mennen Arena due to the COVID-19 Crisis.

We have just been informed by Mennen Arena and their staff that all their events for the summer of 2020 are to be canceled.
This decision was made by the state and county and directly affects us.
We have done everything we could have to keep this show on schedule, but unfortunately this decision was made by higher authorities.
We are so very sorry to all of you who look forward to GSCF every year and we know how so many of you are hurting in this crisis. We consider you all family.

The good news is WE WILL BE BACK!!!!

What we are doing NOW:
1. We are already in the process of securing 2021 Morristown dates (WITH KEVIN EASTMAN)

2. We are excited to be working on securing another venue for a possible later in the summer or fall event for 2020. We will have more information on that over the next 2 weeks.

3. GSCF: Winter Edition 2021 will be back as well!

Again, we are so sorry this happened and we miss you all so very much. We also hope all of you, your family and friends, are making it through this horrible situation the best you can.

Yours Sincerely,

Dave O’Hare Sal Zurzolo


Garden State Comic Fest Winter Edition is back!


Riley Brown is attending GSCF: Morristown Edition