In Brightest Day, In Darkest Night ... Joe Staton will be attending GSCF: Morristown Edition
Joe, a legend in the comic world and co-creator of such notable characters as Earth 2’s Huntress and the Green Lantern Corps Salaak, Arisia Rrab, and the toughest GL of all Kilowog to name only a few.
Hired initially by to work for Marvel, Staton was recruited by DC Comics to work on the revival of the Justice Society of America in All Star Comics and later Adventure Comics. In these titles he illustrated stories including the origin of the JSA in DC Special #29. and the death of the Earth-Two Batman. Staton also illustrated the solo adventures of two female JSA members created during the JSA revival – drawing Power Girl in Showcase and The Huntress. During that time, Staton additionally drew Superboy and the Legion of Super-Heroes, Doom Patrol, and the Metal Men. In 1979, Staton began a two-and-a-half-year run on Green Lantern, during which he co-created the Omega Men with writer Marv Wolfman.
He returned to DC Comics afterwards for a second run on Green Lantern and with writer Steve Englehart, oversaw the title's name change to Green Lantern Corps. In addition, Staton illustrated Guy Gardner, The Huntress, The New Guardians and Superman & Bugs Bunny.
On January 19, 2011, Tribune Media Services announced that Staton and writer Mike Curtis would replace Dick Locher as the creative team of the Dick Tracy comic strip in which he still works on today.
In 1998 Staton received the Eisner Award for World’s Finest: The Superman-Batman Adventure and in 2013, Staton and Curtis were awarded the Harvey Award for Dick Tracy.
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