Bob Budiansky will be at Winterfest 23'
Featured Creator Eric Bellomo Featured Creator Eric Bellomo

Bob Budiansky will be at Winterfest 23'

Bob Budiansky is coming to GSCF Winter Fest January 28th!!

Bob is a comic book writer, artist and editor who worked at Marvel Comics for almost 20 years. He's best known for his work on Transformers. After editing Marvel's 4-issue 1984 Transformers mini-series, Bob wrote most of the next 50 issues of the comic. He also named approximately 250 of the original G1 Transformers, including Megatron, Bumblebee, Starscream and Ratchet, and wrote the vast majority of the character profiles Hasbro included on the Transformers toy packaging of the 1980s

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Amber Keep Art will be at Winter Fest 23'
Vendor Eric Bellomo Vendor Eric Bellomo

Amber Keep Art will be at Winter Fest 23'

The family artists of Amber Keep Art and Amber Gryphon Armory bring you hand-made taxidermy, artwork, ceramics and multimedia artwork that combine all three. Shop for Dragons, dragon eggs, cosplay dioramas, and jewelry featuring real bones, skulls, horns, and teeth!

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Eleventh Hour Rescue! Charity Partner
Vendor, Sponsor Eric Bellomo Vendor, Sponsor Eric Bellomo

Eleventh Hour Rescue! Charity Partner

We are happy to announce that we are again working with Eleventh Hour Rescue for Winter Fest 23’ Eleventh Hour Rescue is a fully registered 501C(3), nonprofit, 100% no-kill, volunteer based organization dedicated to saving the lives of innocent dogs and cats on death row.

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Cosplay Kate will be at Winter Fest 23'
Guest Eric Bellomo Guest Eric Bellomo

Cosplay Kate will be at Winter Fest 23'

Cosplay Katie is a published cosplayer and sponsored content creator who uses her professional costume and fashion design education to bring her favorite fantasy characters to life. Katie strives to hand-make and design each portion of her costume.

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Nick Caponi is coming to GSCF Winter Fest 23'
Artist Eric Bellomo Artist Eric Bellomo

Nick Caponi is coming to GSCF Winter Fest 23'

Nick Caponi is coming to GSCF Winter Fest January 28-29th!

Nick is a NJ based comic book colorist who has worked on titles for Dynamite (Bettie Page, Green Hornet), Pixie Trix Comix (Eerie Cuties, Infernica Sinn), Image Comics (Stray Dogs), Archie (The Archies), Ablaze Comics (Lovecraft- Unknown Kadath), Scout Comics (Canceled, Gods of Brutality) and more!

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Magic The Gathering Draft
Tabletop, Event Eric Bellomo Tabletop, Event Eric Bellomo

Magic The Gathering Draft

For the First Time Ever!
Magic comes to GSCF Winter Fest January 28-29th at the Sussex County Fairgrounds!! GS Winter Fest will be holding a Magic event sponsored and hosted by Nemesis Comics and Games. Space will be limited so you will need to preregister for this event.

To register and get more information contact @Nemesis Comics and Games


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Scott Hanna is coming to GSCF Winter Fest 23'
Artist Eric Bellomo Artist Eric Bellomo

Scott Hanna is coming to GSCF Winter Fest 23'

Scott Hanna is coming to GSCF Winter Fest January 28-29th

Is an Eisner Award winning artist in the graphic novel industry, Scott Hanna has been drawing and inking comic books for over 30 years. His work has been published in over 1,000 comics and graphic novels, and he’s inked over 23,000 pages of comics art.

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Tom Mandrake is coming to Winter Fest 23'
Artist Eric Bellomo Artist Eric Bellomo

Tom Mandrake is coming to Winter Fest 23'

Tom Mandrake is coming to Garden State Winter Fest Saturday January 28th!!
Tom has been illustrating comic books for over 35 years. His credits include The Spectre, The Martian Manhunter, Batman, Swamp Thing, To Hell You Ride, Weapon X, The New Mutants, The Hulk!, The Punisher, GrimJack, Sidekick, The X-Files to name a few.

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Agents of Slabs
Vendor Eric Bellomo Vendor Eric Bellomo

Agents of Slabs

One of the top CGC Facilitators in the world, the Agents of Slabs will be on hand for all of your CGC Needs.

Bring those books you need graded and let the Agents take care of them.

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Festers Funhouse
Vendor Eric Bellomo Vendor Eric Bellomo

Festers Funhouse

Fester's Funhouse is coming to GSCF: Winter Fest 23’. As always they will have their normal selection of Toys, Knives, Swords and Airsoft.

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Dave Ryan will be at GSCF: Winter Fest 23
Artist Eric Bellomo Artist Eric Bellomo

Dave Ryan will be at GSCF: Winter Fest 23

Dave Ryan is coming to Winter Fest Saturday January 28th!

Dave is best known for his Eagle Award nominee comic book series called War of the Independents under his company Red Anvil Comics and has other creator owned titles called Penance, Owlgirls, World Wide Warriors and Bye BiPolar.

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